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프로그래밍 퀴즈 사이트 정리 (중) 본문

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프로그래밍 퀴즈 사이트 정리 (중)

inspire12 2021. 10. 13. 04:44

자바 기본 퀴즈 



Core Java Quiz | Java Online Test - javatpoint

Let's play core java online test or quiz that will help you to clear your concepts and will prepare you for the interviews




Inheritance in Java - GeeksQuiz

Quiz or mock test on Inheritance in Java programming language. The quiz contains multiple choice and output questions for technical interview preparation.


코틀린 퀴즈 



Kotlin Quiz » Test Your Kotlin Skills!

Test your Kotlin skills with the Kotlin Quiz. Your browser remembers your progress, take a break anytime and come back later In-depth explanations and "see also" links to learn as you go Questions are timed based on their difficulty - no googling, just thi
